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d2 app scripts start

Run a live-reloading development server on localhost

NOTE: This command is currently unsupported for libraries

> d2 app scripts start --help
d2-app-scripts start

Start a development server running a DHIS2 app within the DHIS2 app-shell

Global Options:
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose Enable verbose messages [boolean]
--debug Enable debug messages [boolean]
--quiet Enable quiet mode [boolean]
--config Path to JSON config file

--cwd working directory to use (defaults to cwd)
--force Force updating the app shell; normally, this is only done when
a new version of @dhis2/cli-app-scripts is detected. Also
passes the --force option to the Vite server to re-optimize
dependencies [boolean]
--port, -p The port to use when running the development server
[number] [default: 3000]
--proxy, -P The remote DHIS2 instance the proxy should point to [string]
--proxyPort The port to use when running the proxy[number] [default: 8080]
--host Exposes the server on the local network. Can optionally
provide an address to use. [boolean or string]
--allowJsxInJs Add Vite config to handle JSX in .js files. DEPRECATED: Will
be removed in @dhis2/cli-app-scripts v13. Consider using the
migration script `d2-app-scripts migrate js-to-jsx` to avoid
needing this option [boolean]