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d2 app scripts deploy

Deploys a built application bundle to a running DHIS2 instance.

Note that you must run d2 app scripts build before running deploy

This command will prompt the user for the URL of the DHIS2 instance as well as a username and password to authenticate with that instance. The URL can be passed optionally as the first positional argument to the command, and the username with the --username or -u option. The password can be specified with the D2_PASSWORD environment variable. For example, the following will deploy the app without waiting for user input.

> d2 app scripts build
> export D2_PASSWORD=xyz
> d2 app scripts deploy --username admin


> d2 app scripts deploy --help
d2-app-scripts deploy [baseUrl]

Deploy the built application to a specific DHIS2 instance

Global Options:
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose Enable verbose messages [boolean]
--debug Enable debug messages [boolean]
--quiet Enable quiet mode [boolean]
--config Path to JSON config file

--cwd working directory to use (defaults to cwd)
--username, -u The username for authenticating with the DHIS2 instance
--timeout The timeout (in seconds) for uploading the app bundle
[default: 300]