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d2 app scripts publish

Publishes a built application bundle to the App Hub.

You must run d2 app scripts build before running publish

Note that you need an App Hub API key before using this command. The API key is used to identify the user uploading the app. You can generate an API key after logging into the App Hub.

This command can only upload versions to an app that already exists on the App Hub. The app must have an id-field in the d2.config.js which matches the id of the app on App Hub.

The API key can be specified with the D2_APP_HUB_API_KEY environment variable. For example, the following will publish the app without waiting for user input, given that id is in the config-file.

> d2 app scripts publish
> export D2_APP_HUB_API_KEY=xyz
> d2 app scripts publish --minVersion 2.34 --maxVersion 2.36

Upload a non-platform app

This command can also be used to upload an app-version that is not a DHIS2 platform app. We encourage you to migrate to the DHIS2 platform, but we provide the ability to upload any app. Use the --file option to specify the path to the bundled app .zip file, and use options to specify other required information.

> d2 app scripts publish --file build/ --file-version 1.0.1 --minDHIS2Version 2.34 --appId <someAppId>

Note that your app must still have a manifest that matches the information you provide.


> d2 app scripts publish --help
d2-app-scripts publish

Deploy the built application to a specific DHIS2 instance

Global Options:
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose Enable verbose messages [boolean]
--debug Enable debug messages [boolean]
--quiet Enable quiet mode [boolean]
--config Path to JSON config file

--cwd working directory to use (defaults to cwd)
--token, --app-hub-token, -k The API token to use for authentication [string]
--channel, -c The channel to publish the app-version to
[default: "stable"]
--baseUrl, -b The base-url of the App Hub instance
[default: ""]
--minDHIS2Version The minimum version of DHIS2 the app supports
--maxDHIS2Version The maximum version of DHIS2 the app supports
--appId Only used with --file option. The App Hub ID for
the App to publish to [string]
--file Path to the file to upload. This skips automatic
resolution of the built app and uses this
file-path to upload
--file-version Only used with --file option. The semantic
version of the app uploaded [string]
--timeout The timeout (in seconds) for uploading the app
bundle [default: 300]