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Plugin Component


This component is experimental and is available for import from @dhis2/app-runtime/experimental. The api for this component is not guaranteed to be stable.

A wrapper that creates an iframe for a specified plugin and establishes a two-way communication channel with said plugin, allowing you to pass props (including callbacks between an app and a plugin). Note that the plugin must be built using the app-platform with entryPoints.plugin specified in the d2.config.js file.

Basic Usage (Defining a plugin within an app)

Within an app you can specify a plugin (either by providing its short name pluginShortName, or by specifying a URL directly (pluginSource). If you have provided pluginSource, this will take precedence.

import { Plugin } from '@dhis2/app-runtime/experimental'

// within the app
const MyApp = () => (
onError={(err) => {
callbackToPass={({ name }) => {
console.log(`Hi ${name}!`)

Basic Usage (Using properties from the parent app)

You must build your plugin with the app-platform. If you have done this, your entry component will be passed the props from the parent app. From the example above, the properties numberToPass and callbackToPass will be available in the build plugin (when it is rendered with a <Plugin> component).

// your plugin entry point (the plugin itself)

const MyPlugin = (propsFromParent) => {
const { numberToPass, callbackToPass: sayHi } = propsFromParent
return (
<p>{`The meaning of life is: ${numberToPass}`}</p>
<button onClick={() => sayHi({ name: 'Arthur Dent' })}>
Say hi

Plugin Props (reserved props)

pluginShortNamestringrequired if pluginSource is not providedThe shortName of the app/plugin you wish to load (matching the result from api/apps). Used to look up the plugin entry point. If this is not provided, pluginSource must be provided. pluginSource will take precedence if provided.
pluginSourcestring (url)required if pluginShortName is not providedThe URL of the plugin. If this is not provided, pluginShortName must be provided.
onErrorFunctionoptionalCallback function to be called when an error in the plugin triggers an error boundary. You can use this to pass an error back up to the app and create a custom handling/UX if errors occur in the plugin. In general, it is recommended that you use the plugin's built-in error boundaries
showAlertsInPluginbooleanoptionalIf true, any alerts within the plugin (defined with the useAlert hook) will be rendered within the iframe. By default, this is false. It is recommended, in general, that you do not override this and allow alerts to be hoisted up to the app level
heightstringoptionalIf a height is provided, the iframe will be fixed to the specified height. If no height is provided, the iframe will automatically resize its height based on its contents. The value of height will not be passed to the plugin, as it is in an internal implementation detail. If you do need to also pass the height to the plugin, you can pass another variable (e.g. pluginHeight).
widthstringoptionalIf a width is provided, the iframe will be fixed to the specified width. If no width is provided, the iframe will automatically resize its width based on its contents. The value of width will not be passed to the plugin, as it is in an internal implementation detail. If you do need to also pass the width to the plugin, you can pass another variable (e.g. pluginWidth).

Plugin Props (custom props)

You can specify pass any other props on the <Plugin> component and these will be passed down to the plugin (provided it was built with app-platform). When props are updated, they will be passed back down to the plugin. This mimics the behaviour of a normal React component, and hence you should provide stable references as needed to prevent rerendering.

Extended example

See these links for an extended example of how <Plugin> component can be used within an app and consumed within the plugin.