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Configuration overrides

Sometimes you need to override some settings. It should be used sparingly as custom style settings runs counter to the goal of a consistent style.

Never-the-less. It can be done.


We defer to the local configuration files for each tool, so customizations there will be respected when running d2-style.


In your project you should have a .prettierrc.js file if you used the install command to set up d2-style. In it, you can add any custom options after the ...require(config.prettier) line. For example to have semi colons enabled:

const { config } = require('./index.js')

module.exports = {
semi: true,


Similar to Prettier, you should have a .eslintrc.js file in your project that you can customize.

E.g. to use another parser, in this case the TypeScript ESLint parser:

const { config } = require('./index.js')

module.exports = {
extends: [config.eslint],

env: {
es6: true,

parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',

Or, if you want to customize the rules, you can enable and disable rules in your local config as well:

const { config } = require('./index.js')

module.exports = {
extends: [config.eslint],

rules: {
// This enables the built-in no-await-in-loop-rule, notifying you with an eslint error
'no-await-in-loop': 'error',

// This enables the 'first' rule of the eslint import plugin, a plugin that ships with
// cli-style, notifying you with a warning on any imports that aren't at the top
'import/first': 'warning',

For more information, see: