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Clearing cached dependencies

After upgrading cypress versions or changing the project structure it is possible some cached dependencies remain and prevent things from working correctly. The steps below ensure that alle cached dependencies are cleared and reinstalled.

Empty the cypress cache:

cypress cache clear
# or if the cypress CLI is not available
npx --no-install cypress cache clear

Clear all the node modules:

find ./ -iname node_modules -type d | xargs rm -r

Install again:

yarn install

Then try a command to see if things are fixed, i.e.

yarn workspace testing-network-shim-app cy:capture

Executing a network-shim capture-run in the platform-app (example-app)

There is a bug in the app-shell which causes the data-engine to get an incorrect reference to the webapi base url during a cypress run. To workaround this bug, we are explicitly setting the REACT_APP_DHIS2_BASE_URL and REACT_APP_DHIS2_API_VERSION environment variables in the cy:start command in ./examples/platform-app/package.json.

The consequence of this is that if you want to execute the platform-app capture-run against a different URL than http://localhost:8080 or for another version than 37, you will need to update this information in two places:

  • examples/platform-app/package.json
  • examples/platform-app/cypress.env.json