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Configuration File Reference

The DHIS2 application platform configuration file is d2.config.js.
It should be placed in the root directory of your project, next to package.json

The default export from d2.config.js should be a JSON-srializable object.

All properties are technically optional, but it is recommended to set them explicitly.

Supported Properties

The following configuration properties are supported:

typestringappEither app, login_app or lib
namestringpkg.nameA short, machine-readable unique name for this app
titlestringconfig.nameThe human-readable application title, which will appear in the HeaderBar
direction'ltr', 'rtl', or 'auto''ltr'Sets the dir HTML attribute on the document of the app. If set to 'auto', the direction will be inferred from the current user's UI locale setting. The header bar will always be considered 'auto' and is unaffected by this setting.
idstringThe ID of the app on the App Hub. Used when publishing the app to the App Hub with d2 app scripts publish. See this guide to learn how to set up continuous delivery.
descriptionstringpkg.descriptionA full-length description of the application
authorstring or objectpkg.authorThe name of the developer to include in the DHIS2 manifest, following package.json author field syntax.
entryPoints.appstring./src/AppThe path to the application entrypoint (not used for libraries)
entryPoints.pluginstringThe path to the application's plugin entrypoint (not used for libraries)
entryPoints.libstring or object./src/indexThe path to the library entrypoint(s) (not used for applications). Supports conditional exports
skipPluginLogicbooleanfalseBy default, plugin entry points will be wrapped with logic to allow the passing of properties and resizing between the parent app and the child plugin. This logic will allow users to use the plugin inside an app when wrapped in <Plugin> component from app-runtime. If set to true, this logic will not be loaded.
pluginTypestringGets added to the plugin_type field for this app in the /api/apps response -- an example is pluginType: 'DASHBOARD' for a plugin meant to be consumed by the Dashboard app. Must be contain only characters from the set A-Z (uppercase), 0-9, - and _; i.e., it's tested against the regex /^[A-Z0-9-_]+$/.
dataStoreNamespacestringThe DataStore and UserDataStore namespace to reserve for this application. The reserved namespace must be suitably unique, as other apps will fail to install if they attempt to reserve the same namespace - see the webapp manifest docs
additionalNamespacesArray(object)An array of additional datastore namespaces that should be associated with the app. For each, the user can specify the authorities required to read/write. See more in the Additional datastore namespaces section below.
customAuthoritiesArray(string)An array of custom authorities to create when installing the app, these do not provide security protections in the DHIS2 REST API but can be assigned to user roles and used to modify the interface displayed to a user - see the webapp manifest docs
minDHIS2VersionstringThe minimum DHIS2 version the App supports (eg. '2.35'). Required when uploading an app to the App Hub. The app's major version in the app's package.json needs to be increased when changing this property.
maxDHIS2VersionstringThe maximum DHIS2 version the App supports.
coreAppbooleanfalseADVANCED If true, build an app artifact to be included as a root-level core application
standalonebooleanfalseADVANCED If true, do NOT include a static BaseURL in the production app artifact. This includes the Server field in the login dialog, which is usually hidden and pre-configured in production.
pwaobjectADVANCED Opts into and configures PWA settings for this app. Read more about the options in the PWA docs.

Note: Dynamic defaults above may reference pkg (a property of the local package.json file) or config (another property within d2.config.js).


const config = {
name: 'my-app',
title: 'My Application',
description: 'A simple application for doing DHIS2 things',

type: 'app',

entryPoints: {
app: './src/App',

dataStoreNamespace: 'my-custom-app-namespace',
customAuthorities: ['my-app-analytics-user'],

module.exports = config

Setting the DHIS2 version

The minDHIS2Version and maxDHIS2Version allow specifying which DHIS2 version the app is compatible with. This can be used to have multiple versions of the app on the App Hub, each with their own range of supported DHIS2 versions.

For example, let's say you want to adjust your app to a breaking change in the DHIS2 api. Let's assume that the code on your app's default branch (main) has not yet been adapted to the breaking change and that you're working with DHIS2's workflows:

  1. Set the maxDHIS2Version in d2.config.js to the last DHIS2 version that's still compatible with the code on main.
  2. Branch main to a maintenance branch. The recommended naming pattern is N.x, where N should be replaced with the app's current major version (i.e. 100.x, 101.x, etc.). See also semantic-release's documentation on branches. The app's version can be found in package.json, look for the version field.
  3. On main update the minDHIS2Version to the first DHIS2 version that contains the breaking change. It's important to publish the minDHIS2Version change as a breaking change. An easy way to do that is to include the BREAKING CHANGE label in the commit that changes the minDHIS2Version (see the semantic-release documentation on their commit conventions).

Additional datastore namespaces

Adds the possibility for apps to declare additional datastore namespaces that should be associated with the app. For each, the user can specify the authorities required to read/write.

Each of the additional namespace objects must declare a namespace name, and authorities by one or more of the following properties:

  • authorities: a user needs any of these to read or write
  • readAuthorities: a user needs any of these to read
  • writeAuthorities: a user needs any of these to write

If authorities is combined with read or write limited lists, the entries in authorities are added to the read/write (union).

If only readAuthorities are defined, these automatically apply for write.

If only writeAuthorities are defined, read is not restricted.

Examples of valid additional namespace objects:

const config = {
// ...
additionalNamespaces: [
{ namespace: 'extra1', authorities: ['M_extra1'] },
{ namespace: 'extra2', readAuthorities: ['M_extra2read'] },
{ namespace: 'extra3', writeAuthorities: ['M_extra3write'] },
namespace: 'extra4',
authorities: ['M_extra4readwrite'],
writeAuthorities: ['M_extra4write'],