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2 posts tagged with "docker"

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Automating tests for DHIS2 integrations with JUnit 5

· 9 min read
Claude Mamo
DHIS2 Core Team

DHIS2 is a platform that can receive and host data from different sources, while it can also share data with other systems and reporting mechanisms. Integrating with DHIS2, or building any integration for that matter, requires manual or automated testing of the integration itself. The growth of container technology, and in particular Docker, has reduced the pain of automating the testing of integrations. By automating, I mean self-contained integration test suites that run out-of-the-box and require no manual setup of their external runtime dependencies (Docker Engine is assumed to be installed on the machine running the tests).

DHIS2 with Docker

· 11 min read

UPDATE (January 25, 2023) - some parts of this blog post are outdated, see the DHIS2 in Docker tutorial for the latest information.

The DHIS2 Core Team uses Docker to make development and testing efforts easier every day! It allows us to spin up various environments with any DHIS2 version, numerous tomcat versions and different components, such as Redis, NGINX, in no time. Because we wanted to share Docker with the community, we made publishing Docker images a part of our delivery pipeline. This guide aims to provide some guidelines on how to use Docker to quickly set up DHIS2.