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7 posts tagged with "developer tools"

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SameSite Cookie Policies and DHIS2 Applications

· 6 min read

As of mid-July 2020, the Chrome (and Chromium) stable release channel has started to disable cross-site cookies by default. Mozilla Firefox has pushed this change to their beta channel and will likely release it to the stable channel soon. This change affects any DHIS2 application running on a different domain than the DHIS2 server instance, including applications running on localhost in development. It does not affect cross-site API requests which use Basic or OAuth authentication headers, as those do not rely on cookies for authentication.

What is this DHIS2 Application Platform?

· 3 min read

During the DHIS2 Annual Conference a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of introducing our ongoing efforts to develop a formalized and consolidation Application Platform here at UiO.

Keep in mind that the Application Platform is still a work in progress! It's not quite ready for prime-time yet, but if you're excited about where we're going (or have questions or concerns), don't hesitate to reach out.

Command a fleet of repositories

· 5 min read

As a developer you operate on many repositories. To keep all of the repositories up-to-date there are as many strategies as there are developers. Personally I have gone from doing it manually, to writing scripts (e.g. 1, 2), trying different tools (e.g. 1), and the latter is what this post is about.