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Build acrobatics

· 8 min read
Viktor Varland
DHIS2 Core Team

Ready for some practical tricks on how to use the build system? Create custom builds, deterministic builds, reproduce specific builds, and more!

This is a follow-up to the build system overview, if you haven't, read that first!

Below are some examples of use cases, and if you want to cross-reference the build system diagrams, the services interacting from this point are:

  • Jenkins
  • GitHub (d2-ci)
  • GitHub (dhis2)

The primary use cases which are useful to be aware of are:

Answer questions about a build

What are the bundled applications in a build?

The root dhis-web-apps module serves all the apps which were bundled into the WAR at build time and includes the time the WAR-file was assembled and from which commit it was created from.

Example URL

Example build information


* dhis-web-app-management
* dhis-web-cache-cleaner
* dhis-web-capture
* dhis-web-visualizer
* dhis-web-core-resource
* dhis-web-dashboard
* dhis-web-data-administration
* dhis-web-data-visualizer
* dhis-web-data-quality
* dhis-web-datastore
* dhis-web-event-capture
* dhis-web-event-reports
* dhis-web-event-visualizer
* dhis-web-importexport
* dhis-web-interpretation
* dhis-web-maintenance
* dhis-web-mapping
* dhis-web-maps
* dhis-web-menu-management
* dhis-web-messaging
* dhis-web-pivot
* dhis-web-scheduler
* dhis-web-settings
* dhis-web-tracker-capture
* dhis-web-translations
* dhis-web-usage-analytics
* dhis-web-user
* dhis-web-user-profile

Mon Mar 25 2019 15:37:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)

Exactly what versions of the apps does a build contain?

To get a list of applications along with a reference to the exact build of the application you can query the dhis-web-apps module for the apps-bundle.json file.

Example URL

Example apps-bundle.json


Each of the refspec points to the d2-ci repo of the application which stores all the build artifacts for apps:

E.g. for the Data Quality App the build included is:

What is the source commit for a given application build?

The apps-bundle.json file references the commit of the build artifact. This is useful for referencing specific builds, but as a developer you might be more interested in the source code commit from which the build was created.

Each application exposes a BUILD_INFO file which is available through the module name.

The commit hash in BUILD_INFO points to the source repo in the DHIS2 organisation:

Example URL


Fri Nov  9 23:19:00 UTC 2018

Create custom builds

To change which apps and respective versions of the apps are bundled, a single file needs to be modified in dhis2-core:

This is a JSON file which contains an array with Git repositories. The build scripts for dhis-web-apps then use Git to clone the respective element in the list.

The Git repos we use to bundle applications is a build artifact repository. For every app repo on the org, we have a build repo on to store the build artifacts for each build (one per commit).

N.B. https:// is used for the apps to avoid the build environment having a git+ssh set up. If you know that you can clone from a git:// URL then that is fine to use as well.

For each of the referenced Git URLs it is possible to specify what tree-ish should be used for the build. The syntax for that is:

<git url>#<treeish>

A treeish:

  • Can be a commit: 5840ec14e92e5f1cf6d54136da114a8844fe6318
  • Or a branch: v30
  • Or a tag: 2.31.1

Some example use cases below:

Replicate a specific build

Say that you are running 2.31.0 in production today, and you know that the applications in that version are good. Then version 2.31.1 is released and the pre-built WAR-file comes with application updates which you do not want. This might be due to your test procedures of having to do a full regression test on all updated applications.

So you decide that you want to keep the applications versions in their known good state and see if you can update only the core from 2.31.0 to 2.31.1.

First you download the file, which includes the exact build artifact refspecs for the applications which were bundled with the WAR-file when it was originally built.

Then checkout the branch for 2.31.1 in the dhis2-core repository and put the contents of apps-bundle.json into apps-to-bundle.json in dhis2-core/dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-apps to bundle the specified application build artifacts.

Execute the build and you will get a 2.31.1 build with the applications you had in your 2.31.0 instance.

Customize your build

Remember the syntax outlined above: <git url>#<treeish>

Here is a deeper dive into how to use the part following the hash (#).

Default: use master branch

If the #<treeish> is left out, then the default behaviour is to fetch the latest build from the master branch:


Append a #master to the app URL to do so explicitly.


Use arbitrary branches

To test the latest build from a branch append it to the URL after the hash (#):


This allows your build to track the latest build from a specific branch, and is what we do for our development environments, for example. It is also handy when you are working on a feature branch and want to be able to deploy it for testing/verification/sharing, etc.

Lock to a specific commit

Sometimes there is a need to lock the core to track a specific commit, either to reproduce a build or to lock the build to a known good commit while a broken application is being fixed to stop the broken build from being put into a production build.

Any tree-ish will do after the hash (#), so a commit SHA is also fine:


Lock to a tag

A tag also works as a tree-ish, so the formal DHIS2 releases track an application tag, so the 2.31.0 version would track the 2.31.1 tags of the applications.


Control when to fetch new apps

It is important to note that we try to align as close as possible with how Maven works. When the dhis-web-apps module is built it pulls in all the web applications defined in apps-to-bundle.json into the dhis-web-apps/target directory. This is the default behavior to ensure that the build system is built using the correct artifacts.

This allows Maven to have control over when the directory is due for a clean up.

This also means that if you use mvn clean install, the dhis-web-apps/target directory is going to be removed and all apps are refreshed from d2-ci!

It is optimized to perform as shallow a clone as is possible, but in some cases, it needs to fetch additional commits to find a specific one.

In general, using a branch or tag is fast, using a specific commit is slow.

In offline scenarios, there are two strategies to avoid downloading apps, depending on your needs.

Strategy One: Use mvn install if possible

If it is possible to do an incremental build, the scripts in dhis-web-apps will first check if the apps that are necessary are in dhis-web-apps/target, and if they are, will use those for your bundle.

It is the clean that causes the target directory to be wiped, so if you avoid that, you will reuse the cached apps.

Strategy Two: Use the ignore module flag: -pl

Sometimes it is unavoidable that you must use mvn clean install, and if you still do not want to refresh the apps there is an alternative.

For example to do a clean install in dhis-web, except for dhis-web-apps:

mvn clean install -Pdev -f dhis-web/pom.xml -pl !dhis-web-apps


By now you should have an idea of how the build system operates and some tricks you can pull off with it.

Want a minimal dhis2-core build? Remove all the apps from the apps-to-bundle.json file!

Want to share a single app with a feature branch? Create a build with a single app referencing that feature branch!

And so on.

As a final note, this build system is available for DHIS2 from 2.29 going forward.

Hope this was helpful to read and reach out if you have any questions about it.